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You’re Paw-fect for Me! happy heart February

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Just like us, dogs need exercise and a great diet to keep their heart healthy. "As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. Your dog relies on you to provide proper nutrition and help them maintain an ideal body weight. Obesity is the enemy of a healthy heart, so talk with your veterinarian if your pet needs to lose weight." check out Cesar's Way for more info https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-care/health-and-care...

February is also National Pet Dental Health Month
The importance of Oral care: 4 out of 5 dogs over age three develop periodontal disease* Periodontal disease is a cause of concern for many dog owners. If a dog's dental health is left untreated, bacteria from the mouth can enter the dog's bloodstream leading to other health issues associated with the heart, kidneys, lungs or other essential organs. *American Veterinary Medical Association

Teckelklub's One Perfect SprayK9|vigor is a breakthrough blend of organic Antioxidants that makes Preventative dog dental care health and wellness easy. Clean teeth. Fresh breath. Good health.
Your dog's overall health and wellness depends on good oral health as the foundation. Purina research states that the right amount of antioxidants can increase the longevity of a dog's life. Eliminate plaque bacteria before it accumulates on the teeth causing periodontal disease and gingivitis which can affect 85% of dogs by the age of 1.5 years.**National Center for Biotechnology Information 25511384


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