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The Season of Gratitude - Giving Thanks

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In Canada, Thanksgiving always signals a time to get together with family and friends. This weekend we sincerely hope that all our friends across Canada share some gratitude, receive some gratitude, and pass it on through each other. In this season of gratitude we are very thankful to live in Canada, to support our local community by providing jobs to Vancouver-based people, and to have the support of all our great customers + their best friends.
This weekend use coupon code AUTUMN to save on all Teckelklub products - including our K9 wellness organics which your dog will be thankful for!

Take a Walk in the Park. Autumn Colours Abound.

Vancouver, http://vancouver.ca/about-vancouver.aspx our hometown has amazing colours of foliage from mid-September through early November. Trees and shrubs alike turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Take a walk in the park with your best friend, run through the crisp dry leaves, and savor all that nature has to offer.Stanley Park http://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/stanl... is our gem [...]

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